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i-TimeTec App
User Guide for Smart Lock

List of guides:

• Before Configuration
• Register Account In i-TimeTec App
• Sign in > Read tips and guides
• Configure Smart Lock
• Try Unlock
• Change Pairing Code
• Change Admin Password
• Rename a Lock
• Manage Users
• Manage Access Group
• Create Temporary Access




Before Configuration
Open the lid of Smart Lock (we use DL-30B as sample here) and register admin following the Quick Start Guide. First you will need to touch keypad to power on the lock, the followed by "register first admin". After this, you may start configuration using i-TimeTec App.
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Register Account In i-TimeTec App
To start using i-TimeTec App, you will need to register an user account.
1. Tap Sign Up
2. Fill in all the fields and tap "Register"
3. You will receive an activation email once registration is successful.
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Sign in > Read tips and guides
Once you have activated your registered account, sign in using the login email and password that you have created, and you will see some startup guides as shown below:
1. Fill in login email and password, tap "Sign in".
2. You will see tips and guides we have prepared for you during first sign in. Tap on "Smart IP Cameras" to read the tips.
3. More tips.
4. More tips.
5. More tips.
6. More tips.
7. More tips.
8. More tips.
9. More tips.
10. More tips.
11. More tips.
12. You will see this main menu page.
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Configure Smart Lock
Make sure you have turned on the bluetooth function of your phone, stand near to the lock.
1. Tap "Menu" > "Smart Access" > "Configure Lock".
2. Your phone will scan lock nearby and show the lock's number (sample: 4320504). Tap on it.
3. Fill up the serial number, in this case it is 4320504 (you can find it at the lid cover of the lock).
4. You can also scan the QR code.
5. Insert default pairing code "000000", you can change this later.
6. Insert default dmin password "12345678", you can change this later.
7. Verification successfully, lock is added in your app.
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Try Unlock
Try unlock the smart lock now to check if everything works accordingly. Remember must turn on the bluetooth function of your phone.
1. Go to "Menu" and tap "Access" button
2. You will see this lock icon, tap on it.
3. i-Timetec App will try to connect with your lock.
4. When lock icon turns "green", it means the lock has been unlocked. You can then open the door.
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Change Pairing Code
After adding the lock to your app and make sure it can be unlocked and locked successfully, we suggest you to change the default pairing code from "000000" to your own pairing code to protect your lock from being added by someone else. Make sure the bluetooth function is turned on and stand near to the lock.
1. Tap "Menu" > "Smart Access" > "Configure Lock".
2. Tap on the lock we want to change the pairing code, in this case, tap on 4320504. Make sure bluetooth icon is blue color, which means the lock is connected.
3. Tap on "Settings".
4. Tap on "Change Pairing Code".
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Change Admin Password
Same as pairing code, you are advised to change admin password too. When you are changing the password, make sure the bluetooth function is turned on and stand near to the lock as you need to connect the lock while doing the changes.
1. Tap "Menu" > "Smart Access" > "Configure Lock".
2. Tap on "Settings".
3. Tap on "Change Admin Password".
4. Enter the default admin password "12345678" and your new pairing code. Then, tap "SAVE".
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Rename a Lock
Sometimes we have too many locks, so it is clearer to name the lock the way we can remember it.
1. Tap "Menu" > "Smart Access" > "Configure Lock".
2. Tap on the lock we want to change the name, in this case, tap on 4320504. Make sure bluetooth icon is blue color, which means the lock is connected.
3. Tap on "Settings".
4. Tap on "4320504" under the lock icon.
5. Enter the new name for the lock and tap "SAVE".
6. You can see the new name displayed below the lock icon now.
7. You can also put the picture of the door by tapping the lock icon.
8. Choose how you want to add photo.
9. After photo is added, it will be displayed like this.
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Manage Users
As the owner of a lock, you can add admin or user to your lock. To do that, you need to add them by "Manage User" first. The user will receive an invitation email from you, that prompt them to download i-TimeTec App and register an account using the app. After the user registered and activated their account, his/her name will be listed in user list that you can assign role to them for your lock. Being an "admin" enables them to add more users for the lock, for "user" role, users cannot add any user but merely can open the lock. Please follow the steps below:
To invite users
1. Tap "Menu" > "Manage Users"
2. Tap "+" to add user
3. Fill up name and email of the user who you want to invite.
4. An invitation has been sent to the email. Tab "Add more" to continue adding user.
To delete user
1. This is the page when you have successfully invited 3 users. The "P" in red circle means "Pending account activation".
2. Swipe left at the particular user and you will see a "dustbin" icon. Tap on it to delete the user.
3. You have successfully removed Peter Doe. Meanwhile, when a user has created and activated his/her account, there is no red circle "P".
Add admin to a particular lock (same way to add an user)
1. Go to the camera that you want to add user by : Menu > Epicamera > Configure Cameras > Choose your camera > Manage Users
2. Tap on "+" at Admin to add an admin.
3. The user who has created and activated his/her account will be listed here, select the user by ticking it and then tap the bigger tick at right top corner.
4.You have successfully added a new admin.
Change role of an admin (same way to change role of an user)
1. Swipe left at the particular admin that you want to change role.
2. Tick "pencil" (edit) icon to change role, if you want to remove him/her, tap "dustbin" icon to delete.
3. Tap OK.
4. You have successfully changed Mary's role from "admin" to "user".
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Manage Access Group
If you want to set a schedule for someone to access your lock, for eg. your part time cleaner who will come clean your house daily at certain time, you can do it by create an access group. You will need to invite your cleaner to create and activate his/her account in i-TimeTec first (follow steps in "Manage User" > "Invite User" above)
1. Tap "Menu" > "Epicamera" > "Configure Camera" > Choose camera > "Access Group"
2. Tap "+" to create access group
3. Name the schedule and set the time frame for each day.

4. Tap the "User" when you have done the time and day settings.
5. Tick user for this schedule.
6. You have successfully created schedule for "Cleaner". You can delete it by swiping the schedule to left.
7. Tap on the dustbin icon to remove it.
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Manage Temporary Access
To create temporary access for someone, you can do it in "Temporary Access".
1. Tap "Menu" > "Smart Access" > "Configure Lock" > Choose lock > "Temporary Access"
2. Tap "+" to create Temporary Access
3. Name the schedule and tap "access time".

4. Set the time frame for this temporary access.
5. Select user for this temporary access and tap the tick on right top corner.
6. You have successfully created this temporary access. You can delete it following step 7 in "Manage Access Group".

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Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at info@timeteccloud.com, we will update it as soon as possible.